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Adventures of the smart and savvy.  Creating the magic and mystery of a world you want to live in!


My name is Nancie Koerber.  In this blog, I will be sharing a lifetime of adventure in both my personal and business life. Join me, as I weave through my retirement years finding and interviewing ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

As a business owner and consultant, I came to recognize basic qualities and actions of everyday people that drove them to do great things.  We will explore those principals.  Just a few are paying it forward, creating the magic through belief, taking the road less traveled and gracefully dancing with the many changes life gives us, thus creating conditions of satisfaction in our lives.

My magical childhood side kick, “Miss Grape E. Good” joins me to bring out the child within all of us. Yes, she is a Sock Monkey. She taught me to explore, imagine, believe, and walk through the face of adversity.  I learned very early in life to create win-wins in a world that isn’t always fair.

Whether you are 6 or 96, you will find the tools, connections, and resources to create what you are looking for made fun, simple, and easy. Become a sustainable inspiration to those in your life.

Join us on this adventure through blogging the planet; “It’s Grape E. Good”.

Nancie  & Grape