
Let's Get Acquainted

My mother, a high functioning Asperger’s and father, an alcoholic, divorced when I was 6.  Neither had  skills or interest in parenting their offspring, so I was gloriously left to find my own way. My mother did made me a sock monkey whom I gifted the name Grape Elizabeth Good.  Communications, at best were strained with my parental units but I found early on that both easily related to Miss Grape E. ,  thus, I created a work around by developing her voice.  I called it “Sock Monkey Magic”.  This was the beginning of my writing and story telling career which I took into life as a successful business consultant and trainer.

Spending decades in sales, marketing, and training wherein I consistently found that people, families, companies, countries all resisted change. I discovered, we humans often cannot hear logic but can hear a story which helps us navigate the change we want in our lives.

"It's Grape E. Good" is a lifestyle blog which is focused on great food, wine, music, art and a bike ride but is really about navigating life's changes to create conditions of satisfaction in our seasoning lives.

This Blog is about you enriching your adventure and making your world a better place.  Thank you for being part of this community and “Sock Monkey Magic”   where all things are possible.  "Believe"

Nancie Koerber & Grape E. Good

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